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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  February 3, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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plus $250 back with a two-year agreement. visit there's nothing like fios. and as pc mag says: [ male announcer #2 ] if it's available, you should get it. news4 at 6:00 starts now. stocked up and ready for super sunday. football fans getting their food orders in, and for the first time in the district, some even buying liquor on a sunday. good evening. i'm jim rosenfield. super bowl sunday. it means big business for restaurants and bars and, of course, pizza and wings on almost everyone's menu. darcy spence ser live in northwest d.c. with some people who are very busy tonight. hey, darcy. >> reporter: they certainly are. i have to admit, you can see i'm
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wearing my purple. having made that disclosure we're live at pete's pizza. this is an extremely busy place. we can feel the heat coming off the ovens. they expect to to sell some 600 pizzas just tonight. people needing to stock up on booze for super bowl parties could for the first time buy liquor on sunday in the district thanks to a new law. some got their licenses to sell spirits just in time for game day. >> i guess i was one of the first. that's what i'm being told, but, you know, i got my license in as soon as we could because i wanted to try to be open by super bowl sunday. >> reporter: and what's a super bowl party without pizza? here at pete's pizza in northwest washington, they're expecting a surge in takeout orders as people gear up to watch the ravens take on the 49ers. in honor of this championship game, they have made a special pizza called the raven. complete with ingredients used to make a crab cake.
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>> it's all local sourced from baltimore and some from virginia as well. and the sauce is a lobster sauce. we have red and yellow bell pepper confetti, fixture of herbs and finely minced red oni onion. >> do you think that's going to be a hit? >> i certainly hope so. >> reporter: if you're driving home after the game, police say make sure you don't drive drunk. super bowl sunday is considered one of the deadliest nights of the year for drunk driving fatalities. >> we're hoping that flt they're outside their home and they're going to drive, that they're not going to drink at all. if they are going to drink, they should assign in advance a designated driver. >> reporter: so those extra patrols are going to be out from 8:00 tonight until 2:00 tomorrow morning. this is ground zero here at pete's pizza. you can see they're working extremely hard. all these boxes and boxes of pizzas, they're packing them up. people are coming in, getting their pizza, getting their food to take it home, take it to a party to watch the big game.
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everybody is excited here just twriing to get everybody's pizza out the door in time. reporting live from northwest washington, darcy spencer, news4. >> darcy, you better get out of the way. you're going to wind up in the oven. thank you. >> reporter: it's hot. >> here is some news you can use when it comes to super bowl food. chicken wings are probably the most popular. the national chicken council actually says more than 1 billion wings will be eat be this weekend. around 4 million pizzas expected to be sold today by restaurants alone. americans will consume about 50 million cases of beer, and, of course, after everybody eats and drinks today, close to 7 million people expected to call in sick tomorrow. yeah. no need to call in sick for storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. he is on duty tracking light snow across the area. hey, chuck. >> good evening. darcy needs to stay out of the way in that pizza shop. she is going to end up baked for sure. outside for now, we do actually still have some very light
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snowflakes coming right through the heart of the capital beltway right now, right over downtown. even a few lonesome flakes in northwest washington. steadiest of the light snow now is western parts of montgomery county, up to southern frederick county, maryland. most of this now leaving dowden county, virginia. temperatures are generally in the low to mid-30s in most locations. even the snowflakes that are coming down not really sticking too much. temperatures will go back down below freezing between now and 11:00. another clipper coming our way tomorrow. a normer navy s.e.a.l. who wrote a best selling book about his lethal career has been killed at a gun range in texas. 38-year-old chris kyle and another man were found dead on saturday. and police have arrested an iraq war veteran and charged him now with murder. nbc's brian moore reports. >> reporter: former navy s.e.a.l. chris kyle risked his life on the world's most dangerous battlefields and he
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claimed more enemy kills than any other sniper in american history. he and 35-year-old chad littlefield were gunned down saturday at this north texas shooting range where a friend says kyle often tried to help troubled warriors reconnect with the world. charged with two counts of capital murder, a 25-year-old marine reservist and iraq war veteran named eddie ray routh. >> it's my understanding that the suspect may have been suffering from some type of mental illness from being in the military himself. i understand he was a marine for four years. >> reporter: authorities say they found the handgun used in the killings at routh's home. >> he went to his sister's home and told his sister and his brother-in-law what he had just done. >> reporter: kyle penned a best-selling book "american sniper," the autobiography of the most lethal sniper in u.s. military history. >> every person i killed i have a clear conscience of because they were actively trying to harm americans, allies, or the
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civilians. >> reporter: he was larger than life, made for tv, but initially spurned an offer to appear in the nbc reality show "stars earn stripes." >> all the money raised was going to charity, and this was supposed to highlight the military. then i was all in. >> famed for taking lives in war, chris kyle devoted himself to making life better for others until the day he died. brian moore, nbc news, washington. a prince george's county firefighter injured today fighting a house fire here. the flames breaking out early this afternoon at the home on kingsfield lane. a neighbor called 911 after somebody knocked on the door to warn him the fire was spreading. the firefighter was taken to the hospital what some burns on his back. he's expected to be okay and should be released from the hospital tonight. no word on a cause for the fire. and investigators still don't know what caused this
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deadly house fire in frederick county. the frederick news post reports investigators are zeroing in on the cause but won't release information until the investigation is finished. sisters mad began and sophie were killed in the thursday night fire. their parents, jack and christine, survived along with their two other children. the community is now collecting donations for the family. for more information you can visit a man is behind bars tonight facing a list of charges including assaulting an off-duty officer. happened on route 4 in st. leonard. the officer stopped at the scene of an accident and that's when he says the suspect drove off. he rammed into his cruiser as he was making a u-turn then got out and began urinating on the road. he tried to escape on foot but was quickly arrested. d.c. police are searching for a suspect involved in a deadly stabbing in northwest. officers found 68-year-old howard venable, jr. on the floor of a home in the 1600 block of
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fuller street last night. venable was pronounced dead at the scene. former washington public chools chancellor michelle rhee has a new book coming out tomorrow. she appears on abc's "this week" this morning and was asked about her controversial ten tour. >> what i did learn about my experiences in d.c. was what we were doing were absolutely the right things. i needed to focus a little bit more on how we were communicating those things and how we were doing things, so should i have fired infective principals? absolutely. should i have done so on national tv? probably not. >> in her first year he closed 23 schools, fired 36 principals. she resigned in 2010 after mayor adrian fenty was defeated by vincent gray. along with her book titled "radical" she's the head of students first, an organization pushing for education reform. lawmakers in virginia looking at tougher texting and driving laws. coming up a look at the changes
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they could try to push through in the commonwealth this week. in alabama police still negotiating with a man who has had a 5-year-old hostage for nearly a week now. and new information tonight about an american tourist killed overseas.
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developing news on a new york city tourist found dead in turkey tonight. the u.s. state department is confirming that the woman found was sarai sierra. she traveled to istanbul last month and she was found dead in a working class part of the city yesterday. officials say she died from at least one blow to the head. several people are being held for questioning in her death. the state department says it's staying in contact with turkish officials as they investigate. police are still trying to free a child held hostage for six days inside a bunker in alabama. 65-year-old jimmy lee dyke s took the child only identified as ethan from a school bus last tuesday. he shot the killed the bus driver whose funeral took place today. authorities say the suspect is making the boy as comfortable as possible in the underground bunker. last month the second most expensive january ever at the gas pump. coming up, why aa a says you should expect more of the same when you go to fill up this month. and another chance at snow in the forecast this week.
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it's costing you more to fill up at the pump. in the month of january gas prices jumped 13 cents a gallon. the average price for a gallon of gas nationwide now is $3.46. that's 17 cents more than this time last year. john townsend of aaa says the prices are being driven by oil speculation, which is both good and bad for consumers.
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>> and crude is always a great investment for them, and that hurts you in terms of going to the pump, but the traders are putting it into your 401(k)s, so you're winning and losing at the same time. >> aaa expects the price of gas to keep going up in february because of refinery repairs around the nation. virginia lawmakers could decide to stiffen penalties for texting while driving this week. a senate committee is expected to consider increasing the fine from $20 to $250. they could also make texting a primary offense, which means you can get pulled over solely for texting. right now police can only ticket you for texting if you're pulled over for something else. like speeding. >> which typically -- or weaving out of your lane which also typically happens when texting. >> but really dangerous. >> super, super dangerous. >> and a i'm the guy who has it in my hand right now. stop. >> texting and anchoring, this is trouble for you. >> never. >> for us yet another snow
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chance coming our way. we have a few snowflakes out there now. and you know the routine by now. another alberta clipper is coming our way. it's due to arrive here tomorrow evening. outside for now though -- >> do you hear music? >> i do hear music. this is nothing new in my world, jim. i hear music all the time. usually it's a sign to get off the air. outside we've got cloudy skies, indeed. temperatures have remained on the chilly side today, but we've inched our way above the freezing mark. the light snow showers we continue to see not really having that much success sticking to the ground tonight, unlike last night when they had no trouble at all. now though 34. this time yesterday we were 28 degrees and that has made all the difference. light wind now, southwesterly at 7 miles per hour. metro temperatures generally low to mid-30s. 31 in an lap lis and reston. 32 in leesburg. 30 in frederick. 30 in winchester.
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most of the snow right up the heart of interstate 270 up to 70 out towards hagerstown maryland. pretty much right along the dulles greenway as well. not a lot of this sticking to the roads. that's the good news in all this. could still be one or two slippery spots up here across northern maryland where temperatures are just below the freezing mark, but not a whole lot of anything going on, and most of this will be gone by 10:00, 11:00 this evening. so snow showers for now, those are grazing out here. we'll be off to a quiet start tomorrow and i think we'll get a little sunshine early on on monday. but quickly the clouds come back in. by 6:00 tomorrow evening a chance for the snow showers coming back through. best chances of snow is from about sundown to tomorrow to the predawn hours of tuesday morning, and just like every other clipper we've had, generally amounts in the half inch to an inch range. so for tomorrow cold and dry in the morning. lunchtime tomorrow, clouds on the increase. light snow possible as early as
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5:00. more than likely 5:00 to the 9:00 hour. 3:00 a.m. to about 7:00 a.m. on tuesday morning most of the snow coming over. that could still leave us with some slippery spots. here is your all-important seven-day forecast. another cold and breezy day tomorrow out ahead of this next little clipper. again, half an inch to an inch sun down monday to sun up on tuesday. tuesday afternoon we clear out. mostly cloudy on wednesday. staying on the chilly side, but that is average for this time of year. another chance of what looks to be all rain drops, no snowflakes on friday. temperatures seasonably cool going into next weekend, but cool, yes, but cold, no. we'll see whether we can get any more cold snow chances but monday may be it. >> okay. thank you, chuck. coming up in sports, super sunday anything but super for the caps. carol is up next.
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you're saying there's still time for bold predictions? >> and some analyzing, right? it's not over yet. we still have a few more minutes. it's like a holiday today. we have nothing to do but speculate. all right. so the super bowl is almost upon
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us. who will raise the lombardi trophy? the only thing we're confident about is that one harbaugh is going to win? which one? whichever team can handle the pressure of the biggest game on the biggest stage. >> there's no better feeling, man, you know, to be here, you know, at the top of your game, you know, playing against a great team, you know, a team that you grew up watching, an organization you grew up watching. you know, in your hometown. part of a great team with the ravens organization, man. it's no better moment. >> this is why they call it the big show. this is something that you can't, you know, it doesn't come around often. you know, so you have to take advantage of it. you have to love the experience. we're excited, you know, to be here, yes. but, you know, that's not the goal. the goal is to win the super bowl. >> we're here. we're sitting here. we're at the super bowl. this is what we play for. this is the moment we live for. everything we prepare for and everything that we do in our life, especially in this game,
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is for this moment. >> and the moment has come. dan hellie is at the superdome and will try to join us at 11:00. definitely it will be on "sports final." not a super sunday for the washington capitals playing the pittsburgh penguins. usually that brings out the best in the red rockers. not this time. first meeting of the season for rivals alex ovechkin and sidney crosby. first period down 1-0-check out mike greene, crashes into the boards. he goes down for a few moments chg. gets up, looks like he's going to skate off the ice but instead, wait, there's the puck, shoots, scores. greene's second of the year ties it at one. they should draw them all up like that. second period, caps now down 2-1. john carlson dumps the puck in. tomas vokoun leaves the net to play behind the boards. a fluke bounce off the boards and veers into the empty net. what the? carlson will take it, his first of the year. less than three minutes later,
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pens on the attack. letang gets it, beats braden holtby and pens back on top 3-2. and then 30 seconds after that, here we go again. sidney crosby to have chris kunitz. first of three goals for him. the hat trick. caps lose 6-3. they drop to 2-6-1. >> i think we have been in positions to win games a lot of nights and let it slip. tonight was no different. 2-2 midway through the second period. we were in a good spot to win. like i say, we are having good opportunities, good zone time, and all after sudden we get scored on twice, and like i say, you can't recover from it. >> it's details. we've been saying that since the beginning of the year. you need to be focused for 60 minutes. you cannot put your guard down and we did for five minutes. not even five minutes. and it cost us games. you cannot win giving five goals a game. >> yeah.
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no time to suffer this one because they have to get right back on the home ice in a couple days. college hoops headlines and acc match-up today. virginia visiting georgia tech. they had won five straight versus the yellow jackets. yellow jackets rally. another streak in jeopardy. joe harrison, uv a, they were riding a four-game winning streak. going to pick it up first half tied at 20. anderson throws up a lob. the alley-oop 13 points for mitchell. wahoos up nine at the half. back some georgia tech. under four to play. jackets within two. chris bolden pulls up, and he drain that is "j." 14 points for bolden. ties it at 57. same score, less than a minute and a half to go. georgia tech has the lead and they do not look back. jackets end the game on an 18-3 run and they win it 66-60. phoenix open final round.
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phil mickelson started the day with a six-stroke lead. check out on 7. looking to add to it. a long birdie rolls up and off the hill. yes. incredible putt by phil. he is fired up. check out james hahn though on 16. putt for birdie. not as impressive, but here is the best part, his celebration, right? little moves like jim rosenfield here before the show. a little gangham style. he keeps going, pretty awesome. han finished tied for 16. his dance moves are going to live forever. back to phil, the easy tap in for par seals the victory. he finishes at 28 under par, wins the 2013 phoenix open. speaking of dance moves, i don't know if anyone has heard -- >> we're out of time. >> we've been talking about dance moves out here because we have a little bet going on with the super bowl predictions. >> friendly wager. >> he's promised to do the ray
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lewis squirrel dance. >> who has? chuck has? >> don't get out of it now. if the ravens lose, if the 49ers win, jim is going to do ray lewis. we'll practice. >> he's even wearing purple. >> we are not tweeting it, not videotaping it. >> it's going to be all over my twitter account. the ravens are going to win though. is everybody thinking ravens. purple, purple, neutral, switzerland. >> you're doing sports. you can't be -- >> i'm rooting for john harbaugh like no other. he's the oldest. got to win one, right? beat his little brother for once. >> he will never hear the end of it if his little brother beats him. >> as a younger brother i feel for him. that's the news for now. good night.
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